Thursday, October 08, 2009

Bringing Up To Date

It has been a very stressful quarter for me and I know I am way behind in updating my blog.

A few tidbits for those lurking (of course, I know who you are!) for what is happening in my bittersweet life.

  • Yaya Laisa had to go back home.
  • I spent a weekend with 26 persons and most of the time with my five best buds.
  • Yaya Helen had her first stamps in her passport.
  • A wedding preparation is already in the works.
  • Took a day off and had fun with HSFs.
  • Brunch with a lovely couple has become a semi-routine.
  • Again, I cried buckets when a girlfriend left for another country.
  • Started a new project and will take a year to finish.
  • Booked flights, hotels and was able to get directions.
  • Received a new gadget and need to read the manual ASAP.
  • Typhoone Ondoy/Ketsena flooded my house.

Despite the busy-ness of the past few months, I still have time to (what else?!) tend my farms in Facebook.

I am exhausted! Until my next time off.