Monday, April 11, 2005

What do I love?

I love being around with friends, laughing frenziedly (which often causes my eyes to disappear for awhile), and basically, having a good conversation with various kinds of people.

I love eating crushed ice though I'm not a fan of the Ice Monster. I can't stand it whenever there's no ice in my drinks especially during lunch. Ask Abbie, she always hears my water container and how upset I am whenever the Cafeteria owner keeps the ice tray under the table.

The next best thing to crushed ice would be chicken and shrimps. Yup, I'm a sucker for those roast chickens and grilled shrimps. You should see our freezer and our weekly menu

What else do I love aside from the above mentioned stuff? My parents and most especially my sister and my brother! Nothing could top that!

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