Thursday, September 14, 2006

Michael Finally Calls Sara

Thanks to ScofieldHH for the video link!

Michael was so emotional, it was heart wrenching. I think his love for Sara is for real and they will get together soon, though I don’t know how they will do it.

The best line for me during the phone conversation was "it was real Sara, you & me, it's real."

Whew, kilig to the bones!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought it was neat how the creators filmed the telephone conversation between Michael and Sara. Sara was filmed in total daylight and he was in the darkness of the shed. He began to emerge from the shadows slowly as he talked, but still remained partially hidden, which I found very symbolic of his situation within their relationship. He's still not free or in the clear, but in the shadows. It reminded me of their prision yard scenes where she was frequently fimed devoid of obstructions and his face was behind the fence. Nice touch aesthetically speaking.