Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Secret of Life

"The secret of happiness is the realization that life is a gift, not a right." Once we understand this axiom of life, our perspective on everything changes. And once our perspective on everything changes we become more fulfilled. And once this happens, we become much happier and realize that our life is different than it was before.

And not that just our life is a divine gift, but everything in our life. While of course we have to work hard to earn something, whether it be financial reward, a college degree on someone's respect, these are still all divine gifts that should be appreciated as such.

Imagine everyday is your birthday and throughout the day you keep receiving unexpected gifts. How would you feel. So now try to convert this same sense to your everyday life, and appreciate everything as a gift. I'll guarantee you will be a much happier person.

Just try this for one day - and see where it takes you.

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