Monday, July 11, 2005

Happy 21st Birthday, Raf!!!

What a Monday morning! Over the weekend, I'm up as early as 4:00am and tinkering with my laptop. Yet this morning, my brother had to wake me up and roll me over the bed. Whew so much for Monday morning sickness.

Today is Raf''s 21st birthday. Jannice was the one who bought our gift for the "only" boy in our team. Why only boy? Starting tomorrow, we'll have three gents in our team. The original team will start the usual ice breakers and orientation and we are wishing (please, please, help us!) that the four out of five new members will be able to jive with us harmoniously.

We had a sumptuous lunch courtesy of the birthday boy at Kamayan Glorietta 3 and as usual, we arrived late from lunch (good thing closed door ang CEO) but we can't hardly move or work because of too much eating and laughing. Another, whew!

As usual, we worked our ass off after the long lunch but since it is a birthday, we can�t pass for ice cream and cake. We bought Nestle Ice Cream; Abbie got to choose the flavor of the ice cream: Double Dutch with matching Hot Loops. Sarap! Abbie even ate her ice cream with ripe bananas!

Another day filled with good food and company! Got to go back to work, another week of overtime work! Hay...

Happy 21st birthday Raphael!!!

(l to r) Mary Jean, Ralline Jean, Raphael

(l to r) Jannice and Abigail

(l to r) Abbie, Jan, Jean, Rae, Raf

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