Sunday, July 17, 2005

This one will make a librarian shout! (in a good way)

How I Fell in Love with a Librarian and Lived to Tell about it is the most perfect book for the avid, intelligent reader to buy and then generously donate to his or her favorite library. It is a wonderful story about a man who falls for "the most beautiful woman in the entire universe," who happens to be the new librarian in town. The story starts with a bang and gathers speed as it progresses. Also, it has a very important pro-library message -- with libraries facing defunding, it is very timely.

Can't wait for my own copy to arrive... just a few more days!

Book Description: He saw "the most beautiful woman in the entire world, nay, the most beautiful creature in all existence" standing behind the desk of his local public library, and he nearly fainted. It wasn't that he thought librarians were supposed to be frumpy. It was the fact that in his town you never saw a new face, much less the face of "the most beautiful woman in the whole universe." "How I Fell in Love with a Librarian and Lived to Tell About it" starts with a bang and gathers speed as the story progresses. Filled with romance, mystery, and adventure, every chapter brings unexpected twists to keep the reader guessing to the end.

From the Publisher: "How I Fell in Love with a Librarian and Lived to Tell About it" is a story that is not only a fun read but is also timely in its pro-library message. Besides the wildly entertaining romantic plot there is a very serious sub-plot about a small town politician's attempt to shut down the library and how the good people rallied to keep it open. Every library should have this book on its front shelf.

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