Monday, January 23, 2006

Reducing Stress Naturally

Stress is often a matter of how we frame a situation, rather than the situation itself, and how we react to potential stressors is greatly influenced by our internal reaction to external situations. Although the components that make up stress can be complex, simple steps can help reduce stress.

Try avoiding the following common stressors and see how you feel after a week or two:

Caffeine and other stimulant drugs. Often these make us more jumpy, anxious and fearful, and interfere with relaxation, rest and sleep.

Sound. With a penetrating influence on the nervous system, it is no surprise that some kinds of sound increase our level of arousal and make us tense and anxious.

News. News reports can profoundly affect your mental state, increasing anxiety and possibilities for worry.

Agitated minds. Being around others who are agitated can easily affect your level of agitation. Whenever possible, stick to interacting with those who are centered and calm.

Reducing stress is one way that we can keep our health in balance and prevent illness .

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