Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Happy Women's Day!

On March 8, it's the International Women's Day, and time to celebrate being a Woman! Well, importantly enough, it is not just about BEING a Woman; it's also about KNOWING a Woman! So then, whether you BE a Woman or you KNOW a Woman, you're licensed to celebrate International Women's Day and pay tribute to all those women who have through the ages stood courageously against all odds to elevate the status of women around the world- striving towards the goal that one day all women will stand on an equal footing with men.

Come to think of it-today, women have come a long way, but there's still ground to cover. Hope shines bright! Its flame burns stronger every March 8 on International Women's Day.

International Women's Day is a day for women to reflect upon and celebrate their struggles, their achievements and remember with pride all the women who helped bring women up the ladder to the stair they are on today. And what can be a better occasion to honor them, as much as you honor all the deserving others and make them feel special? None, in fact!

On International Women's Day, let each woman raise a toast to herself and to all the other women in this world, to their courage and determination. Woman-today's the day you and your sisters, the world over, take stock of your present position with regard to your equality with men. So be it. Appreciate the efforts, the sufferings and the glory of every small victory on her path to her goal. (Source)

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