Sunday, September 04, 2005

Positive Thinking

Get Clear on What You Want: Write a list of what you need right now. Keep your focus on what you want, not on what you do not want. Then, maintain an attitude of surrender about how it will come to you. The universe has been known to create minor miracles such as causing the sun to come up every morning and go down every night. Perhaps you might allow it to help you create an answer to your personal needs right now.

Stop Worrying:
Worrying is a choice and it is always counter-productive. After all, worrying does not bring more into your life. When you catch yourself worrying, shift your focus. Tell yourself, "Today (or this moment) I'm choosing not to worry." With faith and an attitude of trust, you will be more open and receptive to the thoughts, feelings and impulses from the universe that direct you toward better health.

Watch for Miracles to Occur: Know that you are in the process of creating a solution to your crisis. The universe is on your side. You are not alone. The answer may not come all at once. Begin to look for evidence that things are turning around for you.

Make a Commitment to Stay Positive: We all have the habit of repeating unconstructive thoughts to ourselves when we are under pressure. What thoughts do you have? A common one I hear often is, "I'm so stressed out!" Be vigilant about nipping those negative thought spirals in the bud. Pessimistic thinking often precedes an emotional crash, and you cannot afford one of those when you are in a health crisis.

Following are some affirming thoughts that will help you stay positive. Pick one that works for you. The intention is to make you feel better so that you can stay open to incoming intuitive guidance that will lead you out of the current situation:

"This is just temporary; things are beginning to turn around." "I am open to new avenues of better health." "I live in an abundant universe; I will have everything I need." "Good thoughts and good health flow to me from all directions."

Write down several statements that make you feel better and replace those nasty negative thoughts with some good ones.

Acknowledge the Abundance You Already Have. Make a point of looking around you throughout the day and consciously focusing on the wonder and love that exists around you. Take a walk and breathe in the air. No lack there! Depending on where you live and what season it is, take in the profusion of sand, snow, leaves, trees or grass that fill your surroundings. Go to a grocery store and marvel at the large quantity of fruits and vegetables. In addition, do not overlook the intangibles like the fact that you may have wonderful friends.

Your goal here is to keep your focus off the illusion of what you are lacking and on the reality of true abundance. Every time you appreciate the wealth that exists in you and around you, you are reminding yourself that you are on a planet that is chock-full of everything you need.

Expect Wonderful Things. I believe that the universe is a vast, magnificent system of abundance. The way we receive this wealth is through ideas, thoughts and opportunities. It also comes through connections to people, events and circumstances. We are given ideas to grow on and where we can learn new things and be able to contribute to our community.

Always be reminded that often all it takes are very simple shifts of attitude to invite health and prosperity into your life. Loving yourself opens the path for more love from the universe.

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