Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I was randomly checking blogs when I stumbled to Rachelle's post and read the entry regarding shadowed friendships not only once, not twice but read it thrice.

Yes, I am guilty.

Rachelle, I already started cleaning up the shadowed relationships. I moved on from friendships that no longer work for me. And yes, it is easier to retreat and simply fade out of someone else�s life.

I just realized that when you think about it, the "getting out" of a difficult relationship could be relatively easy. It is "deciding to get out" that is the difficult part. No other thing you could possibly do will simplify your life, as quickly or as completely as getting out of a relationship that is not working.

Rachelle, you challenge me to be the best I can be... by accepting and appreciating me, you have helped me learn to accept and appreciate myself. Thank you for being a friend close to my heart.

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